Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Friends or Foe

Friends are the greatest. Someone you can party with, share memories, someone to cry on and rely on. Well that's only true on Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. Reality check, not all friends are good for you. I know you shouldn't listen to everything in the movies but I heard some good advice on a Tyler Perry movie. He compared relationships to trees. Some people are leaves and change with the season. Then you have your branches; they look strong but after one good storm, they break. Then you have your roots: most trees have about three to ten roots. They're strong and even after a storm the roots are still standing long after the other limbs have blown away. Those are the people you hang on to. Yes, your roots .I've noticed that I've gained an amazing power.

No, I don't have x-ray vision to see inside of men's…uhh hearts. I have the power to distinguish my leaves from my branches from my roots. Talent, right? Yes, I agree. The ability to just let go of people. I understand in business, it is advised to never burn bridges, but I'm not burning bridges I'm simply distinguishing the real from the fake. I can spot a bologna homie and bad wig from 5 miles away.

A lot of times holding onto the wrong people are damaging to our own life plans. We're so distracted by making time happy and solving their problems that we lose sight of our golden path. It's healthy to give designated distances, mental restraining orders. Let me explain, once you put people in their perspective places, keep them at certain distances from your heart. Friends are great, but loving yourself enough to remember that some people don't always have your best interest at heart is more beneficial.

Here is your mission, as one of my readers I automatically love you (like a branch kind of love!)I want you to reflect on instances with different people, and if in different events your left screwed when trying to help them. Be honest, because you'll only be hurting yourself! If you find that a particular someone(s) will request your assistance but leave you hanging, its time to enforce that restraining order. Maybe you haven't caught on to my theme here so I'll make it just very blunt, happiness comes from loving yourself! Yes, it feels good to help others and I'm not saying to stop doing such, but make sure you haven't been sacrificing your own needs. Stay strong, stay blessed!

-Kim Sweets

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